Proposal for Revamping and Maintaining Your Website –

Proposal for Revamping and Maintaining Your Website

Proposal by: Paolo Pagaling

Subject: Proposal for Revamping and Maintaining Your Website

Dear Ms. Tricia,

I hope this message finds you well. I’ve had the opportunity to review your website,, and I’m excited to propose a comprehensive solution to revamp and maintain it, ensuring it meets your business needs and reflects your brand identity effectively.


Your website currently presents a great opportunity for enhancement. I propose to revamp the site, including rebuilding or enhancing the logo, adding relevant content to the blog, resizing photos, and optimizing the site to be responsive across various devices.

Proposal Details:

To achieve these goals, here’s what I propose:

  1. Platform Migration: I suggest migrating the website from Wix to a Virtual Private Server (VPS) and transitioning to the WordPress platform for enhanced flexibility and customization options.
  2. Website Reconstruction: I’ll recreate the current website on the new server while working on the necessary changes and improvements.
  3. Content Enhancement: This includes adding relevant content to the blog section, resizing photos, optimizing file sizes, and ensuring the overall aesthetics and functionality of the site.


Pricing and Timeline:

For the revamping process, I propose a fee of 800 USD. This includes rebuilding the logo, editing photos, adding relevant content (provided by you), and ensuring the website meets your expectations. The estimated timeline for completion is approximately 1 to 2 weeks.

Maintenance and Server Fees:

Moving forward, I’ll host the website on my Linode server, ensuring optimal performance and security. The maintenance package includes regular updates to the server, WordPress platform, and plugins. You’ll receive limited access to the WordPress site for adding posts, along with regular backups of the website. The maintenance fee is 15 USD per month, covering these services. Major changes may incur additional charges, while minor edits are included in the monthly cost. You can decide if you plan to pay monthly or annually.

Domain Renewal:

Please note that domain renewal is your responsibility. Your domain, registered via Smartweb Canada, should be renewed promptly to prevent any downtime.

Next Steps:

If you’re ready to proceed with the revamping and maintenance of your website, please let me know, and we can initiate the process. I’m committed to delivering a website that not only meets but exceeds your expectations, providing ongoing support to ensure its success.

Thank you for considering this proposal. Should you have any questions or require further clarification, feel free to reach out at your convenience.

Warm regards,

Approve Proposal

I'm thrilled about the opportunity to work with you! If you're ready to proceed and begin the project, I'm excited to have you on board. Let's embark on this journey together!

To Accept, Type Your Full Name Below

I am Paolo Pagaling, a seasoned web developer and designer with over 14 years of experience. I am very passionate in creating visually stunning and user-friendly websites that help businesses thrive online. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to excellence, I strive to deliver exceptional results that exceed expectations. Let's work together to turn your website vision into reality!

Terms and Conditions

  1. Deposit: A deposit is required to commence work on the project. The deposit amount will be determined based on the agreed-upon percentage outlined in the proposal.
  2. Payment Methods: Payments can be made via PayPal or bank transfer, as agreed upon by both parties.
  3. Client Responsibilities: The client agrees to provide all necessary materials, content, and feedback required for the completion of the project in a timely manner. Any delays caused by the client may extend the project timeline.
  4. Intellectual Property: Upon completion of the project and receipt of full payment, all intellectual property rights, including copyrights, will be transferred to the client. Until full payment is received, all rights remain with the developer.
  5. Project Timeline: The project timeline will be outlined in the proposal and is subject to change based on client feedback, approval, and responsiveness. The developer will make every effort to adhere to the agreed-upon timeline but cannot be held responsible for delays caused by unforeseen circumstances.
  6. Support and Maintenance: Basic support and maintenance will be provided for one month after the completion of the project or depending on the agreed-upon duration. Additional support and maintenance services can be arranged for an additional fee.
  7. Termination: Either party may terminate the project at any time by providing written notice. The client will be responsible for payment for all work completed up to the termination date.
By engaging in the website project, the client agrees to these terms and conditions.